Meetings, Events
Lutefisk Dinner, March 1
Valhalla room, Scandinavian Centre. Doors open at 4:30
Tickets must be purchased in advance. They are non-refundable but transferable. Limited seating. Lodge members, $32. Invited guests, $40. Child age 2-10, $15. Lutefisk, meatballs, traditional side dishes, dessert. Call Alison at 403-283-1299 or e-mail for more details or to arrange payment.
Regular lodge meetings:
Monday April 7th, 7:30 p.m.
Monday May 5th, 7:30 p.m. Memorial service. Friends and family of lodge members who have passed on in the last couple of years are invited to attend. Please let know if you are able to come.
Monday June 2nd, 7:30 p.m.
Sports Weekend 2025
SCW Registration Form Click on this form for more details about the rich and varied program the Sports & Cultural Weekend offers. Save money by registering early!
Syttende Mai 2025
An afternoon event on Saturday May 17th, in the upstairs hall of the Scandinavian Centre. Updates will be posted here.
Folk Dance Workshop in Red Deer
Mikkel Thompson and Ginny Lee, who have led many workshops in Calgary (and around the world) were the instructors at Fanatullen’s folk dance workshop in Red Deer September 13-15, 2024. A great way to celebrate Fanatullen’s 40 years! Looking forward to another workshop in Red Deer in October 2025.

District IV Convention
In Bismarck, North Dakota, from June 27-29. Delegates were Ron Reine and Alison Wiigs. Russ Wiigs attended as Zone 4 director. His term was over, and Karen Larson of Red Deer is the new zone director. Congratulations, Karen!
Calgary European Film Festival (CEFF)
Songs of Earth, the film we most hoped to get, was shown on Monday November 4th, 8:15 p.m., at the Globe Cinema, 617 8th Ave SW. Scenic beauty worthy of the big screen!
Recommendations of recent Norwegian films to consider for the future are most welcome. They should be award-winning and not available for streaming.